Ukrainian school of clinical psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in Australia


  • Serhiy Boltivets doctor of psychological sciences, professor, head of rehabilitation programs of Special Care Clinics, head of the Ukrainian Society for Hypnosis, deputy editor-in-chief and permanent author of the journal Psychology and Society, Kyiv.



hypnotic induction, hypnotherapeutic practice, hypnologic research, medical psychological courses, lifelong understanding of man, clinical psychology, endurance of the human psyche


The article covers the emergence in the early 50”s of the twentieth century of the Ukrainian school of clinical psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in Australia. This school was founded by  Eugene Hlywa, who, after the Second World War, arrived in the Australian lands from Europe and first earned his living with the indigenous inhabitants of the continent by their most difficult work - the cultivation of canals for irrigation of desert lands in southwest Australia, participated in the organization Ukrainian public, religious and cultural life. In the early 70”s of the twentieth century, he is interested in the “Profile of Hypnotic Induction”, known in English as HIP-Hypnotic Induction Profile, Eugene Hlywa moves from Australia to the United States, where Professor Herbert Spiegel developed another test of hypnotic susceptibility and announced the selection of a psychotherapeutic internship under his mentoring. Since 1975 Dr. Eugene Hlywa has his own hypnotherapeutic practice and, on his example, teaches psychotherapy and hypnotherapy for certified physicians and psychologists from the Australian continent, New Zealand, Malaysia, South Korea and other countries. Dr. Eugene Hlywa, a doctor of psychotherapy at the Australian Hypnosis Society, under the guidance of the Australian Ministry of Health, describes the results of his hypnosis research, published in English-language professional journals and published in separate books. Dr. Eugene Hlywa teaching at drug and psychological courses has so captivated a graduate psychologist from South Africa, Linda Dolan, that she decided to write a doctoral dissertation on the psychotherapeutic and hypnotherapeutic basis of a life-long understanding of man on the example of Dr. Eugene Hlywa, who embodied the Ukrainian tradition of perception, appreciation and choice human values, presented in the work of Gregory Skovoroda. Linda Dolan was born in South Africa, where she obtained her secondary education, a Bachelor of Psychology degree, and completed a three-year Masters in Psychology, which included a full-time clinical psychology course for children and adults at the University of African-American Rand, now called the University of Johannesburg. In 2006, Linda Dolan completed two annual graduate postgraduate clinical hypnosis courses at the Australian Hypnosis Biennial Drug-Psychological Course under the guidance of  Dr. Eugene Hlywa and runs a private practice in Clinical Psychology in Sydney. Applying the psychological ideas of Gregory Skovoroda about the life-long destiny of man and her spiritual essence, L. Dolan completed his dissertation and filed it for the defense and confirmation of her candidacy from the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy of Psychology) at the University of New England in Australia. These and other fundamental principles of the human psyche and its psychotherapy and hypnotherapy reveal the presented articles –  Dr. Eugene Hlywa on hypnotherapeutic intervention in the depths of the unconscious for the healing of internal injuries and Linda Dolan on the awareness of the person of his own life-long purpose in the psychotherapeutic process on the basis of the value paradigm of Ukrainian thinker Gregory Skovoroda.




How to Cite

Boltivets, Serhiy. “Ukrainian School of Clinical Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy in Australia”. Psyhology & Society, no. 1-2, Mar. 2019, pp. 127-30,