The meaning-semantic horizon of uncertainty as a psychological category


  • Oleh Khayrulin Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Humanitarian Institute of the National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, scientific correspondent of the Research Institute of Methodology and Education of the Ternopil National Economic University, member of the editorial board of the journal Psychology and Society, Major-General of the Reserve, Kyiv



post-nonclassical science, uncertainty, VUCA-world, society, subject of vital activity, organizational-activity game, game modeling, technology


The article actualizes the discourse of the definition of the theoretical psychological content of the category concept of “uncertainty”, its essence, meaning and utilitarian functions for finding ways to solve ontophenomenal, system-functional problems of human being in modern conditions. The results of the semantic-psychological analysis of the conceptual space “uncertainty” are given. The generalization of specific features of the phenomenon of uncertainty, which are inherent in all forms of its implementation, is proposed. The search for interdisciplinary consonant content of psychological, theoretical and applied nature, useful for understanding uncertainty as the determining precondition for the life of a person, society and the objective condition of their subjective risks, is carried out. A program-research tuple of the elements of the scientific analysis of the uncertainty ontofenomenal essence is selected as a complex of factors that affect the vital activity of the subject. The utilitarian content of the uncertainty concept in its range of interdependent transformation of environmental instability into the risk of uncertainty and possible further losses and physical damage to the subject that are stochastic and probabilistic, are determined. The basal reasons of uncertainty actualization as the main source of risks in the modern world are outlined. The model of the structural and functional matrix of game modeling under situations of uncertainty as an integrated complex of basic factors of its psychogenic influence on human vital activity is proposed. The three bases integrated by this matrix reflect the logic and content of the taxonomy of uncertainty aspects by A. M. Asaul, the classification of problem’s situations by A. V. Furman and the algorithm of thought-activity by G. P. Schedrovitsky. The methodological platform of creation of game modeling  technology in terms of person’s vital activity under conditions of uncertainty, the establishment of laws, means and algorithms of development of optimum acts is proved. The center of such a methodological platform is the post-nonclassical scientific basis, which, within the scope of the research, is implemented on the basis of vita-cultural methodology and the theory of problem situations by A. Furman, the cultural-analytical approach in psychology by M. S. Guseltseva, the self-regulation concept of the activity subject by V. O. Olefir and the theory of dissipative nonlinear structures by I. R. Prigogine.


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How to Cite

Khayrulin, Oleh. “The Meaning-Semantic Horizon of Uncertainty As a Psychological Category”. Psyhology & Society, no. 4, Mar. 2019, pp. 56-81,