Psyche, verified by the deed


  • Serhiy Boltivets Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Rehabilitation Psychologist, Specialist Clinic of Acute Therapy, Head of Ukrainian Hypnosis, Continuous Writer and Member of the Editor National Collegium of the journal "Psychology and Social Development", Kyiv


human, psyche, core of the deed, theory of the deed, committing canon of psychology, self-expression of individuality, psychology of committing after action


Highlighted the main methodological principles of the theory of the deed of  V.A. Romenets in the bosom of which disclosed all-generality of the deed in the history of development of psychological knowledge during mythological, ancient periods, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Enlightenment and the period of ХІХ–ХХ century. Showed semantic samples of ancient Ukrainian lexicon, recorded in written sights, reflecting the historical genesis of the category of the deed in the conscious use by previous generations of Ukrainian people and also  delineated a field of application of the indicated lexicon in the “Dictionary of Ukrainian language” B.D. Hrinchenko and modern edition M. Onufriyiv. Disclosed psychological directions of the development of worldview ideas of nations on the basis of improved language, role of the deed as the method of human existence in the world and the self-expression of individuality. Determined prospects of development psychological knowledge on the principles of developed by V.A. Romenets theoretical model of committing spiral.


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How to Cite

Boltivets, Serhiy. “Psyche, Verified by the Deed”. Psyhology & Society, no. 2, Mar. 2019, pp. 98-104,