Suggestive therapy method in the rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction


  • Myroslava Gasyuk Ph.D., Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of General and Clinical Psychology State Pedagogical University "Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University", Ivano-Frankivsk
  • Roksolana Nesterak Ph.D., Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 and Nursing Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk



ischemic heart disease, patient’s psychoemotional condition, psychological rehabilitation, suggestive therapy


Modern medical practice in Ukraine is increasingly using an undeniable potential of psychology in the rehabilitation of somatic patients. This work investigates an important problem of improving the quality of patients’ rehabilitation with ischemic heart disease for modern cardiology and rehabilitation psychology. It is suggested that the patient’s ability to control his emotions, to achieve a state of comfortable relaxation and awareness of the ability to control at least some individual processes is an important factor in improving his rehabilitation process. It is proposed to use suggestive therapy, namely the method of verbal suggestions, to achieve the patient’s state of comfortable relaxation and perception of himself through verbal and nonverbal therapeutic suggestions. The experience of using this method in the clinical department is described. It is shown that its effectiveness will largely depend on the collaboration of the doctor-cardiologist and the psychologist of the department. The methodic and procedure of suggestive influence application on a sample of patients (135 persons) with acute coronary syndrome is shown in detail, at the same time the effectiveness of structural musical accompaniment is substantiated, as well as the emphasis of suggestions that can provide the use of music: relaxation of the body and dispersion of attention, change of emotional background on the stage of preparation the client for conducting a suggestion, strengthening the effect of suggestion – at the stage of deep relaxation of the body, saturation with energy, mood and positive emotions – when getting out the relaxed state. The choice of acoustic parameters of musical accompaniment, which is intended to emphasize the voice of the psychologist and accompany the transition from one exercise to another, is clarified. The tentative author’s text of the suggestive suggestion is presented in three exercises (“relaxation”, “recovery” and “return to life”). The results of suggestive influence, change in subjective and objective indicators of the patients’ state with acute coronary syndrome are presented. It is proved that thanks to the suggestion, that is, with the help of the psychologist’s work, the state of client’s comfortable relaxation is achieved, in particular, positive changes in his state of health and emotional state. The tested method provides reduction of situational anxiety, allows relaxation, recovery and improvement of the emotional background of health in general. Thanks to the suggestion, patients learn how to manage their own body, which increases confidence in themselves, they are given hope for improved health and, as a result, improvement of objective cardiological parameters is taking place. As a result, it is concluded that methods of suggestive therapy are available in the implementation in cardiology departments and are effective for improving the quality of patients’ rehabilitation in this category. Therefore, it has been empirically established that suggestive therapy needs further implementation in medical institutions, especially when psychological support for rehabilitation is provided by a professional psychologist.


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How to Cite

Gasyuk, Myroslava, and Roksolana Nesterak. “Suggestive Therapy Method in the Rehabilitation of Patients With Coronary Heart Disease and Myocardial Infarction”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 75, no. 1, June 2019, pp. 101-8,