Rational-psychological organizations of media-project activities


  • Anatoliy A. Furman Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of Methodology and Education of the Ternopil National Economic University, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work and Personnel Management of the Odessa National Polytechnic University, permanent author of the journal Psychology and Society, Odesa. ORCID: 0000-0002-4446-0549 http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4446-0549
  • Darya Furman Master's student of the Department of Psychology and Social Work of the Ternopil National Economic University, Odesa.




questionnaire, conversation, casting-manager, media project, methods of recruitment, method of expert assessments, rational-psychological organizational forms (organization), resume


At the current stage of the media in­dustry development, requirements for applicants for participation in the project are increasing, which determines the need for a qualitative improvement of the entire recruitment system. One of the important directions for solving this problem is the deve­lopment and improvement of the system of the casting organizer work in a tense and limited conditions of the entire project support. The main purpose of the current search is to find the basic features of personality of the specialist in a selection of personnel, in their regist­ration into a clear system of profile guidelines, which would allow with a high level of reliability to indicate on their effective implementation precisely against the background of the fulfilment of a certain media project. Organization of mass events in the field of show prog­rams or media content, the main characteristics of which are flexibility, variability, high innovation dynamics, dictates new requirements for job applicants and requires a high level of competence from the casting-manager. The most relevant among them are: readiness for constant self-edu­cation, modernization and application of the latest technical means, professional development, business communica­tion, use of non-standard approaches to solve situational problems; ability to make responsible decisions, actualiza­tion of critical thinking, skillful leadership of own behavior and activity; competent work with different sources of information; effective behavior in a competitive environ­ment or stressful conditions. A number of professional properties of a recruiting specialist can be summarized into four main mental func­tions: planning, organization, motivation, control, as well as two combining or additional assignments – decision making and direct communication. Their analytical reflection raises a number of requirements for the casting-manager, which are manifested in a system of principles, methods, procedures of a harmonious combination of actualized theoretical consciousness, reflexive thinking and specific, full-fledged activity from the initial training, organization and implementation of goals and main ideas of the media project.


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How to Cite

Furman, Anatoliy A., and Darya Furman. “Rational-Psychological Organizations of Media-Project Activities”. Psyhology & Society, no. 3-4, Mar. 2019, pp. 234-50, https://doi.org/10.35774/pis2018.03.234.